Fatma is a very calm chill girl. She is mostly anti-social and likes to be alone most of the time. She has a few friends but only trusts 1-2 of them. Her personality is usually ISTJ or ISTP, an introvert. Fatma is not a fun person to be alone with because as said she is anti-social. Aslo she probably has some serious anger issues
Fatma is a calm girl that can be angry very fast.
by Ilikeunicorns123 December 29, 2022
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A fat vagina that you can see through a girl's clothes.
"Damnnnn bro, you see that fatma!"
"She got a fatma, would you eat it"
by ChiMonsky1 May 31, 2019
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An amazingly sexy girl (or boy) who is so awkward and loves to eat like a pig. She's a huge asshole and can easily be mistaken for an innocent bitch. Dis motherfucker kisses teacher's asses to make sure she makes it all the way to the top with her stupid grades . She has a miserable love life and enjoys stalking people and mentally dating a hundred boys. She's quite blunt but she can be deeper than a whore's vagina. Yes, you read that right: a whore's vagina.
Fatma is so fucking nuts.
by Heyimweird December 16, 2014
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Fatma is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She has captivating brown eyes that will make you fall in love with her

. She has a crush on someone being with M. She is really quiet but once you get to know her you would want to being friends with her. She has nice smile. No matter how dark her life is she will try put a smile on your face. Her name does not mean fat so never mess with her.
Boy 1: Who is that
Boy 2 : I bet she is a Fatma
Boy 1: I wish she was mine
by cute cugsns November 23, 2017
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The World's biggest snake.(snitch)This person will do anything that she wants to get. she will even sit on you. she way about 180 lbs and is ugly as hell, actually hell would be better than looking at her face.
Guy 1: Yo guys look at Fatma A., she's such a fagot
Guy 2: I know man I'd rather go to hell than look at her face!
Guy3: She's such a snake she snitched me out during the math test today!
by Boobioo January 27, 2009
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