n. The cold and analytical viewing of another man's beauty products, clothes, or friends in order to determine their sexual orientation.
After much fagulation, I determined you're a fag with only a %2 chance of error.
by Chisholm April 18, 2006
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The feeling given off by someone who is blatantly obvious about their homosexuality. To reek of queerness.
A sense of fagulence perforated around the gentlemen near the vending machine.
by GrStaKa July 30, 2012
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hetro/breeder retort to the over use of "fabulous" by members of the gay community.
"Bruce, my fine feathered gay friend, I think the way you've organized the polo shirts, spaced precisely two inches apart and hung on platsic, not wire hangers, in your closet is fagulous.
by RadioFreeBevo June 28, 2007
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An item, usually an article of clothing, that is overly flamboyant and quintessentially homosexual in nature
Nigel, that purple feather boa is simply fagulous!
by Uncle Guido September 5, 2008
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Ghetto Fagulous is a term used in a similar sense to the term ghetto fabulous however has been transformed and adopted to apply and relate to the homosexual community. What this means is, it is used to describe one who is both "ghetto fabulous" and homosexual.
Those cheetah stockin's you got on girl be fierce.. you lookin all kinds of ghetto fagulous tonight!
by Super Deluxe September 29, 2006
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I know someone who is not only ghetto fagulous, but is also a big gay loser.
by sarah February 16, 2004
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