When she told me to go away, I reluctantly enjoyed my exillent.
by Doos Jarus December 23, 2020
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The overuse of the letter 'x' in attempt to appear trendy or in tune with youth culture.
X-treme jell-O is exil.
by j daggar January 25, 2004
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A song that Slayer has produced that expresses my true feelings about my father, my interpretation of this song is about the pure hatred you have for one thing, though you have others you want to exile that one problem from the others and deal with it so that the problem will finally go away, this another Slayer song that I can relate to, and I did the same in my life I exiled my problem with my father and now everything is better
Exert from "Exile":

"You self-righteous fuck
Give me a reason not to rip your fucking face off
Why don’t you take a good look in these eyes
Cause I’m the one that’s gonna tear your fucking heart out
My hate is contagious; you’ve got no one to run to
by cough* December 22, 2004
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A cool person that plays Minecraft and other games and can easily beat you in a 1v1 in any game
Exilled is better than you
by Exilled March 2, 2021
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The Siberian Husky character from the popular cartoon series, Road Rovers. His powers included super strength, heat/ice vision.
1: Who's your favorite RR?

2: Exile, of course.
by TaeianTwist February 12, 2005
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The ability to overcome, ability to create a mind fucked state, the ability to have sex for long periods of time without stopping, with a hint of Russian flavor,
He lived bro, hes exility, he knows whats good
by 1971 November 29, 2009
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