adjective, meaning ugly or horrible
pronounced doosk.
person 1 - josie's bare dusk
person 2 - awh thats mean.
by Pachsa October 25, 2007
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The word is a variation of "night rider" but in the case of a "dusk rider", it describes a female ;(usually white but not always); who mostly has sex or has relationships with "brown people" which can consist of men of indian, middle eastern, south asian, etc origin.
N: yo Z, isnt that chick such a dusk rider!
Z: Yah man she is, trust!
N: she hops on that brown D all day erry day
by Neo999 February 5, 2011
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dusk is a sky blue pegasus with a need for speed. not only is she awesome but makes sick youtube videos
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Its Dusk Sparks!
by glowcloud brony August 19, 2013
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The fapping noise you hear when your balls smack against some preteen ass cheeks in the shower.
Ted: Do you hear that noise?
Carl: It sounds like fapping
Ted: Where's Bill?
Carl: ....where's your sister?
by imthatawesome November 18, 2011
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A song by Utada, probably the most popular song on her 2004 album EXODUS. Heavily influenced by literature, mainly Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven, lasting at 5:14.
A: "What's your favorite song on EXODUS?"
B: "Kremlin Dusk"
by Jeimii October 3, 2010
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To get a boner when incredibly relaxed, for no apparent reason. Usually occurs just before you go to bed.

The temporal opposite of a morning glory
Man, I'm so sleepy. Oops there goes the dusk tusk. Time for bed.

Mum: Jonny, time for bed! What on Earth is that in your pants?

Dom: Oh, don't worry ma, it's just the dusk tusk, I'm real sleepy.
by Sorsedetrontrou Fugazi June 1, 2009
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The boner you get between 12am and 5am that you can't exactly term "Morning Wood"
"I got Dusk Wood after midnight."

"Dusk Wood, not Morning Wood."
by MythicalMews January 26, 2021
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