Some weird dude in shades that goes around killing aliens who have taken over Earth. Has short blonde hair, wears a red vest and usually carries some form of large weapon. He's a total sex pervert, and has a gruff, tough voice.

Likes to quote Bruce Campbell and Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Also, usually seen shoving dollar bills into stripper's panties, and doesn't have time to play with himself. Those alien bastards are going to pay for shooting up his ride, and it looks like it's time to kill.

Also see, I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck.
1) "I'm Duke Nukem."
2) "Heh-heh-heh! What a mess!"
3) "Huh, the Captain's Log!"
4) "Whatever happened to Duke Nukem?" - "Obscurity, I guess."
by DIO-Brando May 31, 2006
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The Navy SEAL's lieutenant commander who fights aliens and gets all the hot chicks
"I hear you're not getting nun?" "How would you like to twisted sister" "Hee Hee Hee, I already broke that habbit"
by N/A July 25, 2003
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1.)Another term for ''dolphin diving''. Mostly used in the Zombie section of Treyarch games.

2.) A complete badass. So full of badassery, he kicked a cyclops eye across a football field.

See dolphin dive
1.) Dude! I just Duke Nukem'd under the lander!

2.) Ey! Did you get that new Duke Nukem game? I drew on that white board for hours.
by G.I. Hooker October 11, 2011
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schwarzenegger-esque video game protagonist, who belittles his opponents with saracastic one liners and insulting moves
Little pig, little pig, let me come in, or I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll kick your ass in!
by Gumba Gumba February 20, 2004
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duke nukem, our dinnertime source of entertainment!
lets play duke nukem!
by Jason from B-Tec October 31, 2005
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One of the quotes I remember, "Your chestnuts roasting on an open fire"
I only remember that because my brother used to play it and my dad forbid me to watch it v.v
by Kristaa November 18, 2004
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The game that let you see a stripper's boobies while you fight aliens and pigs.
Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!

-duke nukem
by buttcheeks mcgee October 11, 2005
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