When you poop while drunk. It's pretty smooth but you hear the sounds of the party and that makes you want to speed up. Combo of drunk and dump.
I was drumping as fast as I could but I still missed David's hair catching fire.
by Al_Tal August 13, 2011
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A Lot of those southern voters are drumps.
by bushcraft January 10, 2016
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A mix of Donald Trump and dump (D(r)ump)- It reflects his character.
Have you heard of Donald Drump's toupee flying to space?
by nothelarifari May 5, 2016
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"Dude for some reason I have so many bruises from that party last night."
"That's because you were drumping into everything."
by bbrein March 5, 2014
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manipulating a female to engage in sex for one night and never speak with her again. or to phsycially and mentally tramatize another person.
Yo man, I drump this girl last night.
Did you drump that chick yet?
Man, he just drump you!
by Mark Thomson June 28, 2006
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When one is unfortunately obligated to take a dump while drunk.
Last night at the bar I was getting wasted with these sluts but then I got the drumps. Ruined my night.
by RadadooFor2 April 13, 2011
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The nasty textured and oftentimes very dry shit you take the morning after a night of drinking due to alcohol forcing all the shit down your system and dehydration drying out the turds;

1: Dude I had an entire 12 pack last night, my stomach is killing me today.
2: Did you take your drump this morning?
1: No, but its probably going to smell like beer and Taco Bell and squeeze out like frozen cookie dough
by byscuit January 24, 2011
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