Basically a notebook where you keep your secrets hoping nobody finds out your a furry. (No offense to furries by the way, Im just saying because some Ignorant idiots don't like furries.)
Person: Did you read her diary? Shes a furry..That is so fucking disgusting
Person2: Your free trial of living has ended.
by TheNotSoFunnyPerson May 20, 2021
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A book containing plans, thoughts, hate for others, love for others,
Ok im finished writing in my diary lets go to the theater bow
by Gatopow July 4, 2019
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A diary is a diary.
Diary, dont get mixed up with diarrhoea
by Miss oofus March 19, 2019
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A person you trust everything with, and have no problem spilling all your secrets to.
Why is why name diary in your phone?
Cause that’s what our messages basically is, my diary.
by B-bree October 8, 2020
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The best show in the history of time about vampires. Puts Twilight to shame.
Me: "Omigosh, why don't you watch Vampire Diaries?"
Mom: "I don't like it."
Me: *shoots mom in the leg, drags her to the couch, makes her watch 89 episodes on Netflix*
by Kat T. March 25, 2014
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The equivalent of a diary but representing a person. In other words your best friend. The person who knows everything about you and you trust them to keep your memories, thoughts, and feelings safe.

Many people refer to their lover as their human diary.
I love you! You are my human diary!
by In love with Angelica April 8, 2017
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