He is the Creator, the basis of all life. A :shen: that will be with all of GenMay forever.
Worship Cubie.
by Napsterhaven June 21, 2004
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A person you share a cubicle with. You do not necessarily like the person, but since you are so close to them they are a cubie.

Lay off my cubie man, he is having a bad day”.
by TSC SAFE April 30, 2008
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The person with whom you share a cubicle at work
Roommate = Roomie
Cubemate = Cubie
by TexasYank April 29, 2009
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Pronounced: Que-bee ; noun ; slang.

1. Cubic Zirconia gem; a imitation diamond.
2. Someone or something fake or not authentic.
3. Describing someone who is square (cube) or uncool.
1. "Look at this sweet gem I got my girl, she'll never know it's a cubi."
2. Dawg, that fakester's a cubi!"
3. "Check out his gear, what a cubi!"
by Dr. Cubitron June 13, 2006
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n. a short fat cock, not unlike a chode. however a cubie is the exact same width as lenght. a cubie is often little more than a knob-end.
to his embarasment, jeniffer had told all her friends that melvin was only packing a cubie.
by mikey-mike October 5, 2005
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Cubi-Asshole; slang for goodbye friend.
YOU- Eyy dude, I have to go home and do the do's
FRIEND- Ight Cubi-Asshole

by jmilla1818 October 22, 2008
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(Coo..Bye asshole)or just (cubi)
Another word for the word bye.. Used only Formally.. saying bye(cubi asshole) to good friends not offending them at all.
aka (goodbye bro)
friend- yo i gotta split man
you- ight dude. CUBI ASSHOLE
by JMill1818 October 21, 2008
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