A term for a friend.
That girl is the cranny to my nook.
by Chelsea January 25, 2005
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The name Crannis derives from the French, originally containing a solely aristocratic meaning, it is now the meaning of something completely different. To Crannis someone is to flip them the bird slowely, usually while incredibly intoxicated and vomiting into a plastic bin.

Also the name of a generally cool guy.
Rachel flipped Alex the Crannis when he asked if she was coming out.

Person 1: Have you seen that Crannis around?
Person 2: Yeah, he's such an outstanding member of our society. When I grow up, I wanna be just like Crannis!
by Crannins December 7, 2011
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A grandmother’s vagina, the most sacred of all places; that which shall never be mentioned.
“Dude, my mom made me visit my grandma yesterday and all I could smell was her cranny! So stank!”
by JohnnyBlanco69 April 7, 2019
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1."Bro I've been waiting for him to talk to me for days!"
"Don't worry about it, he's a big cranny."


by Crigal April 16, 2008
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Reference to a penis.From the Bloodhound gang's song "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo".
"Batter dip the cranny axe in the gut locker."
by Srgtmuffdiver February 10, 2007
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