an Irish lad

• a cookie-disaster
• enjoys potatoes

• is a new definition of "Edge-e"
• has deepened feelings for memes
It's a Conall.
by agummymystery August 19, 2017
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He met conal.
by Kiwi. October 17, 2003
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Extremely accident prone and a true freak of nature. Usually bears the mark of a swastika and always parkouring around random areas.
Cody: "Who's the freak here at the wedding? He just got lit on fire!"

Kam: "Oh that's just Conal."
by Hershel Orr May 24, 2013
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To be conalled is to be so drunk at pre's you pass out before you reach the first pub.
I am so conalled right now
by leicesterfacts December 6, 2016
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A noun that describes an act such that the actor is not be able to constrain one's urinary urges and therefore runs to the side of a road or walkway or ditch and urinates.
e.g. to "pull a conal"

He was stuck in traffic for the next five miles before the nearest gas station, therefore he drove to the side of the road and pulled a conal.
by conal_observer May 28, 2010
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Conall is a male who often ditches the boys for his girlfriend. His girlfriend is very self centred and does not like to hang around others when with Conall.
Sorry man I can’t hang anymore I gotta see my girlfriend

Come on man don’t pull a Conall
by K lol nibba July 26, 2019
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