doobie; joint; blunt; reefer; pocket rocket;
John smoked a chuffy and forgot what he was doing.
by Ken Neal January 16, 2004
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A large, scary being often being referred to as "Chuffy Pogialy"
RUN! its chuffy! he'll kill us all
by Neb March 5, 2003
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n. an amount of cocaine smaller than a "line" but larger than a "banger".
"Dude, do this quick little chuffy."
by Keeeelo June 2, 2006
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A person who thinks they have expertise on everything but makes an ass of themselves in front of a person who actually has expertise on the topic.
Watch out for that Chuffy, he thinks the world orbits around him.
by dollop August 28, 2008
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When a snatch is so smelly that it makes you vomit uncontrollably.
"oh man, I chuffy chundered last night at this strippers smelly snatch."
by Magogus August 26, 2017
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