Blair is an enthusiastic Chromie -- he refuses to use another browser to surf the Web.
by Evance June 12, 2010
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A Google Chrome fanboy- one who refuses to accept the obvious superiority of Firefox.

Likewise, chromy capitalism is used to describe the partnership between Google and chromies that seeks to keep Google as the market leader in all things related to the internet.
Chromy: "So what if Firefox has thousands of add-ons? Chrome is marginally faster at loading webpages, and that's all that really matters."

Voice of reason: "Renounce your chromy ways, and choose to see the light! The fire fox is a kind and just browser god. And besides, we have custom search engine plug-ins!"
by crowbarofdeath August 12, 2011
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Shiney ass chrome rims. Chrome rims should be at least 17 inches in size.
yo, check out dem chromies, son!
by Syke_54 January 28, 2005
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A type of graffiti piece that consists of letters solid-filled with silver, gold, or other metallic paint. The outline is usually black or another single color.
Yo we was rockin' some chromies on that train car
by Delux December 30, 2005
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Someone who is sexually attracted to robots or cyborgs, much like a furry is attracted to anthropomorphic animals.
Person 1: "John thought that Rosie the robot was hot"

Person 2: "wow he must have a bad case of the Chromies"
by Commander Fist May 21, 2011
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Hey, did you see those Chromies steal that ladies ice scraper after helping her change her tire?
by Joel C January 5, 2004
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stealing nice valve caps off of cars
Damn dude I went all last night stealing chromies an got sum sick ones!
by NoWaYyOUhOE October 1, 2009
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