v. to choke out a bitch and/or small child
n. the act of choking out a bitch/and or small child

"Benoit" can also be used as a substitute
"Bitch, stop stealing the blankets or I will Chris Benoit your shivering ass."

"My dad pulled a Benoit and all I got was this fucking bible."
by Jeff T June 28, 2007
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Modern terminology for a murder suicide made popular by ex wwe wrestler Chris benoit when he killed his family and then himself
Jaysus, I narrowly avoided being Chris benoited when she had that meltdown.
by Bigfishsmallpond February 1, 2010
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Doing a Chris Benoit is a verb that anybody eliminates and deletes every mention of someone or something on their memories.

Name came from WWE's deletion of Chris Benoit's achievements for his crime.
Dindo: Our boss is doing a Chris Benoit on Jimmy.
Danny: Who's Jimmy?
by Kay Tutan Tayo December 4, 2018
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