during intercourse the guy pulls out early and uses his penis as if it were a pump action shot-gun and blows his nut juice all over the woman's vagina.
guy 1 "..so i fucking pulled out and shot-gunned carpet bombed that bitch!"
guy 2 "nice"
by Jizzychef May 12, 2005
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When someone puts their arms out to represent wings and acts like they are a flying airplane while passing gas and leaving a vapor cloud in their wake. As to represent themselves as bomber airplane that is dropping bombs.
Sam: What the heck is the new guy damian doing?

Chad: hurry up and move...he's carpet bombing!
by chadlamo June 4, 2011
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1. The act of accomplishing a task very thoroughly with an absolute disregard for the excessive waste of resources used in doing so that it may have been better just not to do it in the first place, but at least you win. This is typically done as an outright act of frustration and hubris. The sheer amount of over-zealous effort required to carpet bomb often makes the end result less than satisfactory.


2. Having very vigorous and powerful, Zeus-like sex with a woman for a very, very long period of time.
1. I was so fucking pissed after getting a "F" on that last test that I carpet bombed shit out of this one. Twenty hours of studying the book word for word and I got a "C".

2. Yeah bro, I carpet bombed the shit out of her all night.
by Majikoopa January 3, 2011
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In Duke Nukem Forever; the art of obtaining both a Jetpack and the Devastator weapon, then proceed to fly around and unleash a rain of rockets on everything that moves. Don't forget to refill.
carpet bombing, fuck yeah
by dnomz June 24, 2011
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to *completly* blanket an area with bombs(cluster, HE, dasiy cutter, nuclear, MOAB) destroying most everything underneath them. carpet bombing was practiced in vietnam, WWII and SHOULD be practiced in iraq
100 b-52's could carpet bomb baghdad, and level the whole damn city
by bomber man 4.0 August 24, 2004
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to mount a destructive assault or opposition
They tried to carpet-bomb the senator for his alleged scheme but made no progress.
by The Return of Light Joker December 27, 2008
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When, in the process of pulling-out from vaginal intercourse, you get out just in time to blow your "bomb" all over the female's bush.
Rich - "Hey man, how'd it go last nite with that chick?"
Jim - "Dude, it was alright but I had a scare when I barely got out in time. I managed to Carpet Bomb her though."
Rich - "What a relief man, we don't need any Lil' Jimmys running around."
by suzlooky December 6, 2009
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