1. Being that guy (breen) who moans all the time like a girl having an orgasm.

2. Saying random shit without thinking that nobody wants to hear.

3. Being a complete douche bag.

4. Making goofy hand and face motions.
1. Joe: *While making goofy hand and face motions* If I was my dad, I'd fuck the shit out of my mom!

2. Bob: uuuhhhhhooohhhhh yeyeeeaaaaa
Anthony: Bob shut the fuck up your so annoying stop breening
by saywhatbayer February 19, 2010
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A state of being which applies the feeling of one self experiencing and looking ugly/tired/hungover
Im so breened after those cosmos last night.
by Gerry Walsh May 12, 2009
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Suggesting terrible ideas that nobody wants to do after there are several better ideas proposed.
Mike: Yo connor, instead of going to that party that everyone's at, why don't we go sit at Mcdonalds?

Connor: Mike, stop breening.
by saywhatferarra February 18, 2010
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Breene are fucking shit, and adore themselves.
by mikey April 4, 2005
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An almighty hangover with no recolection of how it was acquired. From acronym; breen - Beer Related Event Eliminating Neurons.

1. "the events of the previous night were breened by alcohol"
2. "last night breened all hope of functioning the next day"
3. "too much beer breens as sure as night follows day"
4. "he/she is recovering from a breening. It could take days"
5. "beer is responsible for his/her breened state"
by Raybies August 18, 2007
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Inviting yourself places when you over hear plans being talked about that have nothing to do with you.
Group: Yea, yea tonight's gunna be sick.
I can't wait for that crazy party

Breen: Oh whats going on tonight, I'm not doing anything I'll be there.

Group: Fuck man stop breening no one wants you to come.
by saywhatbrady February 24, 2010
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A species that is not to be trusted in the fictional Star Trek Universe. They wear a mask and shoot green energy weapons.
by Metalorg January 24, 2012
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