When you leave something important because an ice cream truck went by.
Person: "Why did you leave the speech?"
You: " I was pulling a Boe Jiden."
by MemeManOfTheCreed March 8, 2023
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hi my names boe jiden and i message this forgot
oh watch this ad; hi im boe jiden and i message this forgot i......... i mean i sponsor this message
by atomic108 May 4, 2021
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When you tape your balls to a treadmill and put it on 20 miles an hour while at the same time sticking a tube up your butthole and taping it to your face then shitting in it and taking a deep breath so it launches into your mouth all at the same time.
I can’t go to the party I have to help my grandpa do his first and last dirty boe jiden.
by Yopigger June 18, 2022
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