While your girlfriend is on her period you cum in her. The pink substance leaking out of her pussy is thick pink Pepto.
Last night my girl was on her period, after cumming in her she leaked Pepto-Bismol.
by Easy Riders June 16, 2015
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Anal penetration with a penis so large that it causes the anus to bleed then giving an anal creampie. Then allowing the blood to mix with the cum in the ass so that it creates a pink fluid that drips out of the ass.
His cock was so big and I was horny I told him to give me Pepto Bismol Suppository.
by ShRek tHe MiGhTy OgRe LoRd December 8, 2014
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A shade of pink that is named after that horrible, chalky-tasting stomach relief medicine.
After discovering that she was having a girl, she painted the baby's room Pepto-Bismol pink.
by majenwen November 30, 2004
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The act of vaginal penetration with a woman suffering from heart burn on her period to the point of ejaculation. Once your semen has thoroughly mixed with her blood the woman hovers over a glass or bottle and pushes to excrete the bloody concoction. Then in an effort to soothe her heart burn, she delightfully drinks the mixture.
Ex. "Last night my sister was having a real hard time falling asleep cuz of her heart burn. In a last ditch effort to soothe her pain I gave her a Texas Pepto Bismol."
by Rockwallposter99 November 5, 2017
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it’s like pepsi, but bismal.
bro 1: “man, i could really go for some pepsi rn.”

bro 2: “you like regular pepsi??? nah nah nah pepto-bismol is where it’s AT”

bro 1: “yk, actually, you so real for that fr that’s straight facts bro straight einstein speaking thru u type shi frfr like for real you a genius”
by googooballsO_O November 6, 2023
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