Sitting down for a second at a large party/gathering and checking out girls.
We went to Josh’s 70s party. He had a couch in the backyard, so we did some bird watching.
by @kul September 19, 2021
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The act of going to any public place and acting like an ass to see how many people will flip you off, before you leave.
Man I got so bored that I went down to walmart ,to go bird watching. I handed out pro abortion pamphlets. I saw 12 birds.
by Baron Chill Predictor Of Death February 4, 2011
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A Noncey and perverted act that people call fun or very interesting.
Hey dad can you take me bird watching tommorow?

My hobby is bird watching
by Squidward The Tentacles October 21, 2019
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Birdwatching, or birding, is a form of wildlife observation in which the observation of birds is a recreational activity or citizen science. It can be done with the naked eye, through a visual enhancement device like binoculars and telescopes, by listening for bird sounds,12 or by watching public webcams.
I want to go to the British lake for bird watching.
by aminsep February 5, 2018
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this is when you warm up a jar of peanut butter, creamy or chunky, dip your meat stick in it, roll it in birdseed. you then dig a shallow grave and bury yourself, leaving only your appetizing and hard seeded wand above ground. you dig out little eyeholes then get ready to watch All sorts of species of birds come to enjoy your treat.
Richard doesn't know much about different kinds of birds, so Tom suggested that Richard try some extreme bird watching, so he could learn and see many different species of birdys
by chest hair Andy September 24, 2009
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Code for sexual activities. Sounds innocent but not.
Me and bob are going Bird watching at his house.
by Bawston69 July 10, 2020
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Observing female on female porn.
I went to a bird watching site to find lesbian porn and got kicked off the site because it was apparently an actual site for photos of birds.
by Nikistreet slumber December 29, 2016
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