The wealthiest and whitest in New Jersey. Most of the men that live in Basking Ridge are doctors, buisness men or owners of a buisness and have huge houses. The women or "soccer moms" of Basking Ridge all drive their huge suberbans and can't parallel park for their lives. The most commenly driven cars are mercedes benz, lexus, bmw and suberbans. The teens are all posers and are emos, goths, wiggers, or aberzombies. Most of the girls and some of the boys wear A&F and Hollister everyday and think they surf and go to the beach everyday. MOST of the people that wear skate cloths in basking ridge don't skate. And my least favorite of all the fashion trends in basking ridge is the "popped collar" look. this is when guys pop their shirt collars and wear those flat hats and wear shoes a black guy in the bronx would be wearing. The only reason Basking Ridge has a good school district is because of our asian friends from the hills. At night most of the roads are pitch black with no street lights and its very dangerous. A lot of the teens that drive, drive 5 miles over the speed limit to think they are badass. a lot of the high schoolers smoke weed or drink. I live in this town and it needs much improvement
guy: i live in basking ridge and im rich, smoke weed, drive over the speed limit, think im black and i dont skate
by Our Father November 16, 2007
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Basking Ridge is a town of fresh air, clean parks, good friends, friendly neighbors, morals, great schools, and yes, great law enforcement. Maybe the cigarette girl from the other comments should have gone to school there to learn how to spell MERCEDES. By the way, girl, besides preps, geeks, and freaks, there are jocks too. How much more diversity do you need? How many cliques in your school? We are able to choose who we are. To another previous comment. First, people get high everywhere, idiot. I, fortunately and thankfully, grew up in a middle class family who worked very hard to raise me there and I have many friends on both sides of the spectrum. Yes, upper, lower, and middle class, all in B.R. and we all hung together. The rich ones were rich because they earned it or inherited it. If they did inherit it, so what? Their parents worked hard to earn it. Good for them. Why be so jealous because someone has more of what you want? Pick yourself up and get out of the slump & slum and try to better yourself. To a third previous comment, I never followed fads. I never popped my collar or wore my pants around my ankles with my jockeys hangin' out. "Tryin' to look ghetto." Get over your bad education and stop hating people who have a good upbringing and education. Don't forget, Jersey gets a bad rap because all the planes have to land in "beautiful" Newark.
Basking Ridge is a town rich in diversity and morals and continues to grow.
by BR homeboy May 23, 2013
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A small, wonderful area where anything is possible. Basking Ridge is a melting pot for creativity and awesomeness. With the given exceptions of individuals, it is a very nice place to live.
In a night one can be within minutes of fine bowling, fried chicken, film and adventure sites.
by Ezekiel McCheese February 3, 2005
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Boring, nice, rich ass white suburban town in New Jersey. The kind of place kids will make fun of for being rich and snobby(which it is) while they get high because there is nothing else to do, yet consistently forget to be thankful for how damn lucky they are that they were born into a rich and snobby town as opposed to Newark. or like, Somalia.

also known as B-RIZZLE
You live in a rich ass white suburban town? THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BITCHING?
by fobsta! February 16, 2005
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A rich misunderstood town. People who live there know that most of the kids are dumbasses and there are a lot of kids that have cut at one time or another. Half the town is rich and the other half either lives in the condos of Society Hill or somewhere else. A lot of the kids are preppy and even more of them live in the hills and wear A&F but think they are ghetto and try to act black. You know you're really in Basking Ridge when you see kids with popped collars and kids trying to be cool and "ghetto". There are also a ton of bands and Basking Ridge does have a ton of nice people, they're just a bit insane and misunderstood, yes misunderstood. Live there for your whole life and you'll know what I mean.
'Yeah I'm so ghetto''You're not ghetto, you're white and you wear A&F and pop the collar.'
by Marcus x3 August 25, 2005
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A really cool town in New Jersey. As seen in previous definitions, a common theme in this town is just to make fun of it and hate on it. These people are idiots and have nothing better to do. It is a cool town with cool people for the most part and is within driving distance of lots of good things to do.
"Oh this town is SSSOOO lame, there's NNOOOTTTHHHING to do!!! wah wah!"
by Jesus February 12, 2005
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a town going indefinitely emo. Many guys wear the tightest pants ensuring they 1)will not be able to feel their wangs after being in such a tight pouch for the day 2) will never be able to reproduce because they became sterile before hitting 18. Also there are no true preps. They are usually a bunch of the sluttiest bitches ever seen on the face of the earth. Such as... ao. ev. df. etc. Many of these basking ridge kids learn to get high using alcohol, and marijuana before they are five feet tall. Being skinny is a goal, but there are only so many that are priveliged enough to be so. The others are giant blimps such as kp. and jd. wow... Most have so much money and the schools serve so much crap that they just shove whatevers placed before them in their mouth. What can I say? B-ridge kids weren't raised to be smart. Now the teachers are trying to shield the kids from so many horrors of the world such as "sex" GASP. What they don't know is kids here have learned to play bump and grind even before 5th grade. However there are a few more... valuable minds of Basking Ridge. They are going to be bernardsville's future bosses, so don't bitch and we won't fire you. These you can find usually in the more advanced classes, but even then many of them succumb to the peer pressure by high school and start drinking, smoking and in other words loosing the brain cells they have. But still... WE STILL FUCKING PARTY HARDER THEN ANY OF YOU!! plus with our wealth we have more to spend on motherfucking parties, and our bar/bat mitzvah's are the shiz!! don't hate because we richer then you.
ew. basking ridge??
don't hate, we just better then you bitches
by boberett April 7, 2006
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