Short for Barbiturate, a class of benzo-like drugs.
"Hey man, you know where I can get some barbs?"
by Chris June 7, 2003
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Short for barbarossa, the finest of all cheap spiced rums and ultimate gentleman's beverage.
Johnny: "Let's go get drink some barb!"
by Logan C. September 13, 2006
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"Did you see Nicki Minaj's new song?"
"Ugh, of course I did, I'm a huge barb."
by Alxi. February 14, 2021
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She could rap that whole verse! she must be a barb.
by papyrusfan666 January 2, 2022
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Barb, short form for Barbarian.
A character in the game Diablo II

I will duel you with my Barb
by Me So Gosu May 15, 2003
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When you're fed up with everyone's bullshit and you full on don't give a shit anymore.
Girl, you goin' full Barb over there!
by Skedoozy July 12, 2016
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Particularily aggravated or personal insults; usually used between friends and often said facetiously, mom jokes being a prime example.
Dude, he was throwing the barbs at you something fierce!
by Sumerian Wrangler May 28, 2004
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