the skin on the outside of a penis. Most visable when not erected
when I dont have a boner I`m only skin and banana peel
by blu3hat July 6, 2010
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A Banana Peel is a prank. In order to do this prank you must use a condom, after that you turn it inside out. You then throw the used condom on the ground, preferably in a well traveled location. You then wait, after a while somebody is bound do slip on it, like a banana peel.
by Elij January 30, 2008
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A derogatory term used in reference to females. Synonyms include: Slut, skank, whore, hoe, etc...
by NoneOfYourBusiness April 19, 2006
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The aftermath of a man giving birth to a baby (or in some circumstances a large pumpkin) through his urethra, blowing his penis out.
Jason: I wish I gave birth to that pumpkin.. I would be a proud parent.
Brian: Ahahahaha! You'd also have a banana peel in your pants.
by outofc0ntro1 October 26, 2011
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Another name for a mans un-circumsized penis
Yo i saw Ted's Banana Peel yesterday in the locker room!
by peee ceee teee vee October 14, 2007
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A used and discarded feminine hygiene pad, typically found business side up on the sidewalk near the entrance to an Insane Clown Posse (or other Juggalo related) event.
Dude, I was loading my amp into the club next door to the Kottonmouth Kings show, and I almost slipped on a Juggalo Banana Peel.
by janitor by day, ninja by night February 14, 2010
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