best pussy disorder when her pussy so good u just wanna raw dog her and say fuck the consequences
Friend : Damn bruh I met this girl and her bpd was so fire I didn’t even want to pull out.

Friend 2: damn was it that good ?
by Quacii October 27, 2021
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BPD means Big Penis Disorder. This disorders main symptom is an unusually large male reproductive organ.
“Oh my god have you seen how he walks around??”

“Yes!! It’s so long its dragging behind him like a third leg! haha”

“Don’t joke about that!! Its a serious disorder, he has BPD :/“
by BPD Survivor October 19, 2023
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Big Lawry L was a lousy pimp and did only a 2 BPD average, whilst the national pimping association required at least a 5 BPD average.
by Big P from the NPA May 27, 2013
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Barrington Police department, where they toutch people in bad places becasue they say they are serching for alcohol. Mostly underaged kids in the woods.
Hey did you here about last night

No what?

BPD rolled up and serched us for beer and felt us up.
by Drunk Kid From Barrington January 14, 2008
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Big Pussy Disorder.
A disorder currently diagnosed in Call of Duty players.
BPDGuy123: *uses a shovel in a match of search & destroy*
Brit: “Yo that dude got BPD because he’s such a massive vagina.”
by hailsux March 22, 2022
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Bitch Personality Disorder. A woman (or rarely a man) who suffers from being a constant bitch.
Can you believe Teti? She's such a bitch.
Yea, she suffers from BPD.
by SRTunak June 23, 2011
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"Bro, did you know Barack Obama has BPD?"
"What does that stand for??"
"Black People Disorder."
by the-gee-party December 6, 2018
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