A Bad ass Stud who's first initial is "B", and has a impossibly long penis.
"Wow look at how many bitches #BDB can fit on his dick"!
"I know, i wish my dick was as big as BDB's."
by 69the69truth69 November 18, 2014
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Baby Daddy Bull Shit
this is the male equivilant of Baby Momma Drama
When the father of your child causes you excessive trouble, pain, emotional stress, and annoyance.
Sara: Ben has been an asshole to me all week and he's causing my morning sickness to act up.

Ashley: Girl that is some serious BDBS
by babymomma91 December 24, 2009
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A bdb refers to a person who obsesses over having a giant cock. He goes around considering himself the big dick bandit.

However, the truth behind the BDB is that he is a bandit who steals big dicks.

A BDB is usually always a male with an aggressive manly name such as Bronson or any other name in that category.
Dude that guy is such a BDB, he thinks he has a huge 13 inch dick but thats all he steals.
by The BDB August 8, 2010
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Paul: Hey Danielle, can i have a BDB?
by XCTIM January 1, 2012
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"Big Dick Bottom" A homosexual male that enjoys the receiving end of coitus and has an above average sized penis. Preferably 7 inches or more. They are typically a rarity among gay men.
Boy 1: That guy over there dancing next to the speakers is fiiiine! He could pound my ass any day of the week!

Boy 2: Girl, that bitch is a total BDB!

Boy 1: Oh, what a waste!
by pblcsfty January 12, 2011
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"Big Dumb Bitch"
anyone who is stupid or acts stupidly
Jill is such a BDB
by Sizz21 August 24, 2009
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Mike is a BDB.
by Anonymous September 19, 2003
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