Awesomesauce is the sauce that is anointed upon the head of champions. Awesomesauce has no color, and there is no word to describe Awesomesauce except Awesomesauce. Awesomesauce is the drink of choice for Chuck Norris. Awesomesauce not only has no color, but is invisible. Awesomesauce is a liquid form of the internet/ laser tag/ badassery/ sex (well, actually, not that last part, but i put it in there anyway) Awesomesauce has no real name, that is why us unworthy humans made a name for it... and that name is Awesomesauce. Awesomesauce is the reason Darth Maul was born. Awesomesauce is the source of all that is awesome, and some that is too awesome to be explained by any word humans are able to speak. Awesomesauce, to vampires, is the anti-holy water, but is still produced by god. Awesomesauce is the way, the truth, and the awesome. Awesomesauce is why the song "Sandstorm" exists, because no other force could have produced that song. Awesomesauce, my friends, is the source of success and amazing, and for lack of a word that humans are unable to fathom, awesome...
"You got a review copy of Bioshock 2? Awesomesauce!"
by cryptogeek April 27, 2009
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a word meaning awesome, only cooler-be prepared to be looked at funny when you use this word.
Girl 1: Woah, that movie was awesomesauce!!
Girl 2: Dude, you spend way too much time on Urban Dictionary.
by Lyla Dare May 12, 2009
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Something or someone truly amazing. Usually: more awesome than the word "awesome" can describe.
My god, Silva and Lord Earth are truly awesomesauce! But then, Silva DID create and copyright the word for his and his friend's use, and Lord Earth DID earn the description.

This can of whipped cream should be renamed "Awesomesauce".
by The One True Awesomesauce Man January 15, 2008
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Hey What are you puttin' in your cereal.
Oh just some awesomesauce.
by APU & The Stooge August 6, 2011
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