Avian is a short, feisty, funny girl with an amazing friend group and a dirt mind. Avian does her best to make everyone feel supported and cared for. She goes through a lot of struggles, but people usually don’t know because she puts her best foot forward. She is like and open book and is easy to open up to and laugh with. But don’t let this fool you because she is a real freak and let’s everyone know it. Sometimes, she comes off as mean but she makes up for that with her humor and her energy. She is insecure but spends most of her time listening to others and being social. People are constantly laughing at her jokes. Her vibe makes everyone feel happy. Her vibe is fun. She can be a handful at times, and she has her flaws, but when she cares for people, she truly cares and is loyal. People often look past her, but she is someone truly special.
“I texted Avian after the fire and she cracked so many jokes. She’s just cool and lifts my spirits. She’s special”
by ...anonymous...4819 December 3, 2018
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Avians are an Internet subculture, being born as separate branch from the furry community. Avians are similar to the scalie subculture for they are different from the furry community due to their larger focus on birds, gryphons, etc.

Avians are as of current the smallest and least recognized group out of the three main branches of the community
He mains Falco on Smash, he’s deadass an Avian
by CorvusGang September 12, 2019
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Sexy ass muda fuka gets all the girls. He is cock Asian and plays basketball. He also has a big pp. Avian likes having at least 9 boyfriends and 10 girlfriends at the same time.
Avian is very sexy.
by AsianAvian June 4, 2021
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Avian is a very rare unique girl, usually a blonde. She had eyes like the ocean and a smile like no other. She has the body of a goddess. Avian tends to get attached to easy and has a huge heart. She loves hard but don’t let that fool you cause when she’s done, she’s done.! She’s a very fun out going person and she is very easy to talk to. Avian is usually a shy person but if you get to know her she is crazy. She is a very forgiving person. You could do her so wrong and she can easily still forgive you. Don’t let her go she is one of a kind and you will end up missing her. All of her ex’s end up missing her. She secretly still loves her first love.
“Did you see Avian today ?”

Yeah she’s with her boyfriend
“As always”
by Vic.ona123 January 19, 2018
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The act of giving a woman's vagina a noogie.
Tammy was overjoyed when Yan layed the avian on her.
by Felix Pundi December 19, 2005
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Spoof nickname for "angry birds", often used by those who think the game is overly hyped and/or ridiculous.
All she does is sit at her desk and play irritated avians all day. It's pathetic.
by truemyth September 24, 2011
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The logo for the YouTube Channel, Rusty Cage. It is supposed to be a bird in the shape of a cross.
Snap 1: “Do you know what ‘Avian’ means?”

Snap 2: “Yeah?”
Snap 1: “Do you know what ‘Crux’ means?”

Snap 2: “Vaguely...”
Snap 1: “Well, there you go, Avian Crux... I guess...”
by SaintSesame January 16, 2019
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