August is the type of person that will be shy at first but when you get to know them, they are a real motherfucker that will kill anyone that does you wrong. You need to befriend an August because they will be the best motherfucker you meet
It's a bird! It's a plane! Nah it's the best motherfucker in the world, August!
by I use this app for school 😀 January 15, 2023
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1) The mental state of being lazy or not wanting to work in late summer.
2) A harmful, depraved, or morbid desire for school to start sooner than expected.
3) To actually want to go back to school, usually in early to late August.
Man I'm sick of summer, I must have Augustitis!
by Luke1824 August 7, 2008
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This guy has the biggest dick in school (Over 25 meters). Synonym for August Mandingo, or Big dick, August has a superpower which makes a girl get down n' funky. Also his penis is deadly when at a close range.
OMG! Is that a bird? Is it a plane? NO, IT'S a big penis that belongs to August and looks like a tower
August is Often mistaken as a Burj Khalifa
by Mr. Cock yeeter October 24, 2019
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this is the month that everyone loves.usually people who are born in this month are known to be amazing in bed...very good looking...have amazing to be around people...cannot stand sleeping is there everything...cannot stand drama but are always caught up into it the party scene...have very many friends....make to many bad junk food and anything to do with chocolate...addicted to sex...and thats all there is to it
no example for august
by leobby May 19, 2009
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The eigth month of the year characterized by cookouts and swimming!
I love August, it has to be the best moth of the year!
by 412 November 30, 2005
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The kinda boy every girl needs, very loving, caring, handsome, has best hair in town, and every girls dream boy
I need an August in my life
by FamSquad69 April 23, 2019
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The Male Name: Amazing, talented, wild, fun, terribly marvelous, hansom, different, caring, free, brave, loving
I could talk to August forever and never tire.
by Bedhead1167 January 28, 2011
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