An Ashlin is a girl everyone loves. She makes everyone happy without even trying. She is pretty, cool, amazing, and over all perfect. If you are lucky enough to have her as a best friend or girlfriend don’t blow because she is a one of a kind person. She is the best❤️
Ashlin is my best friend your jealous she’s not yours
by Seven147 April 29, 2019
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ashlin is the sexiest person alive. she was born to be sexy. she does cry a lot though, so it balances out. she was born to be a milf, maybe even a world-wide milf. i don’t even know what a world-wide milf is, but she’s going to be that. despite being extremely mentally unstable, she’s pretty cool. also she has a lot of inner turmoil regarding sexuality, which she also cries about every night.
“wow, that ashlin is so beautiful and hot and successful and i want to kiss her

“hey, why is she crying?”
by totallynotashlin April 1, 2021
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Ashlin is a really introverted guy who loves to play Video Games. There is a slight chance that he is bisexual or gay. If you become close friends with an Ashlin, he is going to start the apocalypse. His favorite location is the toilet. In his spare time, he takes care of a fake Yoshi egg that he hopes will hatch one day soon.
Guy 1: Dude, I saw you talking to Ashlin. Whats that about?
Guy 2: Oh, it's nothing. I'm friends with him now. Not a bad dude.
Guy 1: Dude! What the fuck! You just started the apocalypse!
Guy 2: Oh shi-
by justabird November 21, 2019
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Ashlin is a pretty cool guy. Usually very tall and has probably had a summer fling. 100% chance that he probably is into 5 different people at the same time, but he's not a bad guy and will stick with who he chooses. He probably is rich but acts like he isn't.
Girl 1: "Omg, did you see Ashlin? He bought that girl airpods and then bough the other one an iPhone 11."
Girl 2: "Heard he's gay."
by dickcheese42069standonaldtrump November 21, 2019
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ashlin is the weirdest person out there. she has made many mistakes in her life and thinks she is cool. her nickname is THEORY
person 1: "omg is that theory?"
person 2: "omg ew yeah, we are gonna get the plague lets go!"

ashlin: a dumb person who thinks she hilarious and cool
by ms oh November 1, 2020
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She is such a loser. Like who names their child ashiln. She tries to act so cool but she is really not. She has the strangest smile. AND SHE IS SUCH A THERORY.
Person 1:Ew look over there its therory
Person 1: yeah who the heck is ashlin ew
person 3: *GAGS*
by yo home bro November 4, 2020
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a tan girl with a phat ass she comes off as a total bitch but gives amazing head
guy 1: “yo i just f****ed ashlin and she asked me to spit in her mouth”
guy 2: “yeah i heard she’s a total freak!”
by smokeouid June 11, 2020
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