An amazing guy with a great sense of humour and amazing musical talent. He loves spending time with family and will always be found on his computer. Really amazing.
" I met someone awsome yesterday..... But I just dont remember his name...."

" if he was awsome he MUST have been an Alexander"
by Fdsa1234 July 24, 2013
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Usually a handsome young man with a monstrous cock which catches the ladies by suprise
by John Grover August 27, 2019
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A man with lots of swag.

If you go through life without an Alexander by your side, your life is going to suck, plain and simple. They are humorous, easy going, fun to be around and sweet. Always keeping the cute, kawaii wholesome vibes with them no matter what they do. Although they may have a cold exterior, once you get to know an Alexander, they are warm, expressive, affectionate and cute as fuck. Always cracking up jokes, moaning but thinking it's funny (and it is, somehow). Always looking for mischief. Prone to getting into trouble with the law, but with an Elise by their side, they might be able to keep Alexander in check. Don't get on an Alexanders bad side though... and an easy way to do this is to hurt someone they care deeply about. If you wanna get on an Alexanders good side, tell them you LOVE Ariana Grande, being wholesome and being affectionate. You guys will automatically click.

Find yourself an Alexander!
Jessica: "Oh my gawd, that man is sexy and full of swag!!! And that fart he just ripped, phew, it blew my mind... he's so HOT!"
Amanda: "Right?! Must be an Alexander... but he's mine! I call dibs!"
All girls fight over Alexander
by kittyelise April 23, 2021
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Alexander is a word meaning a truly amazing guy who you can talk to anything about. He is usually really sweet and caring. Your either his friend, his best friend, or you love him to pieces. Everybody wants to talk to Alex because he is so amazing and awesome.
Emma: Dont you just love Alexander?
Milaya: of course i do! Who couldnt love Alexander!
by freddyjohnson August 3, 2011
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Synonymous to "A God Among Men", Alexander is the modern day equivalent to Adonis. Born into perfection, Alexander is often the wittiest, most insightful, and all around most handsome specimen of the human race conceived. Among characteristically being incredibly suave and graceful when in the presence of women, he still observes humbleness while they swoon into his arms. Alexander's exquisitely toned musculature and beautifully deep eyes must be taken into account for this phenomena, which seems to occur wherever an Alexander happens to be. Friends of Alexander should consider themselves lucky, nay, chosen by a higher power to be selected by such a figure of complete perfection. Alexander's jua de vive comes from the fact that he brings happiness and enjoyment to others, and that is all he needs.
Superman often wishes he could be more like Alexander.
by Boitlox June 13, 2012
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Males named "Alexander" make the worlds greatest boyfriends! They are loving, caring, funny, intelligent, sweet, creative and great kissers.

If you manage to find an Alexander, hold onto him tight and don't let him get away!
Gosh I wish I had an Alexander.

I'm so lucky; my boyfriend is an Alexander.
by AngelBottom August 14, 2010
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