it stands for as fuck

slang word often used in text messages or any other messaging device.
''asf am i gonna bother doing my homework the teacher can shove it up my kush bindah''
by PoopSmiles November 7, 2014
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neela, i hate your monkey doll, etc etc asf
jazz, i love you, asf
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Alive Since Forever. Everyone knows that.

They're badass guys that love making music and want to share that love with the rest of the world.
Kristofferson: Have you heard of that group asf?
Stayzer: Yeah! They're amazingg!
by asf-er September 7, 2011
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And so forth. usually comes after etc. Below example is wrong...jazz...
i went to the shops and got loads of stuff, clothes, make up etc asf
by Luke Bright February 7, 2008
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Asf is a apart of aave, it is a shortening of the term “As fuck” and is so be used behind an adjective
ex: “wow she CUTE asf
by Helper. March 14, 2021
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A top 5 AFCN fan in NFL chat. Is a bigger gigachad than Lperial
Oh my god it's ASF.. UWU DADDY!!!!
by NotASF September 7, 2022
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