The catch phrase and telephone number of Greco pizza that will play on repeat in your mind until your death.
Bill: Hey Jim, 310-30-30
Jim: *replays "310-30-30 Greco" in mind*
Bill: *Snickers*
Jim: Bill you Bastard
by DocHoliday1st July 5, 2019
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A challenge for a group of friends to finish 30 30's of beer in any given night.
A - "Dude, I can't wait to get hammered tonight."
B - "30 30 challenge?"
A - "Yeah man lets get fucked up."
by Nerfoing December 11, 2009
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im goin 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on 30 on in the trap house i stay too stury something something 2x2 hellcat go fast foh by foh bentley truck let them choke on the gas im only 16 with big dreams
jit: bussdown rollie avalanche

git: yeah my old bitch average

jit: its my first time rappin it

git: i might go retarded shi- bro dont say that

jit: fuck your dad

jit: IM GOIN 30 ON 30 ON 30
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The time (30 seconds) and distance (30 feet) from other people that a person must stand in order to fart to show respect without being offensive.
"Excuse me, but I have to take a 30/30 right now or I'm going to explode."
by fartster May 17, 2010
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When you attempt to run 30 miles, and drink a 30 pack in under 30 hours.
I bet you can't do a 30 30 30.
by PopcornWilly April 20, 2020
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