Expression of excitement you announce gleefully at the excellent prospect of getting to use the bestest backup software ever conceived—bup.
My boss said that she needs backup software on her Linux Mint laptop, and I replied, “bup it!” With tremendous joy, I was able to set up a interruptible and incremental daily backup in less than 100 lines of bash script and a single cronjob. Life has never been so easy! I love love love bup, and I especially love to bup systems to the next level!
by Bad C dev October 12, 2021
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An expression used when one has nothing to say.
Bob: Were we supposed to meet the girls at 8 ? It's 9 now man.
John: Bup.
by TheActualRealSuperman July 16, 2011
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The sound Toad makes when plowing Toadette cooch'
bup. Bup. BUPP BUP BUPPPPPPP. buuuuuuuup.
by EmVeddii July 23, 2019
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A slang term expressing the state of something or someone showing stupidity.

Another word for "stupid"
Ratchet: ND is so waste!
Me: Yeah, I agree, this school is so "bups"
Ratchet: "Bups"? What's that?
Me: It's what you are you stupid ratchet.
by Whyyoulate March 17, 2013
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Replicating the sound of a gunshot to indicate vigorous approval; usually uttered in rapid succession with an accompanying thrusting of the hand in the air.
"Rewind selecta! Bup bup bup!"


"Bup bup bup Kofi Annan...good point! In your FACE Colin Powell!"
by J Hall April 3, 2003
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BUP is being true friends with a person otherwise known as besties under pressure a friend or best friend might leave you but your BUP will always be there and never leave
"You're my BUP Simone" "aw thanks so much Zac your my BUP too, I love you BUP"
by HawkSlays December 24, 2017
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