alex: omg can you sign my autograph
louis: yeah and i'll draw love heart as well
by alejandra ♡ February 1, 2021
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Love heart. Love heart is when you give away you’re heart in a sense of true love. Not false love. It blossoms.
Aww I have a love heart!”
How lucky!”
by Local_Local July 4, 2021
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someone who's usually miserable, but lots of people are nice to them, resulting in them slowly learning to be happy. lemonade is sour without sugar, but once sugar is added it's enjoyable.
Person A: Man, insert name here is always miserable, but everyone being so nice seems to make them happy."
Person B: "Yep, classic lemonade heart."
by ya_homie_glitch July 26, 2021
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What you call a boy or a girl that keeps falling in love with anyone sweet
Jessica is crushing on another guy again, she's a real pineapple heart
by Pineapple Dood April 8, 2018
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(n.) - when you find yourself over utilizing your love language of gift giving and buy extravagant gifts
“Hey Francis, what happened to your other monitor?”

“Ah, I gave it to my ex-girlfriend.”

“That’s okay, you just have a teddy bear heart.”
by littleblvebird June 6, 2023
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When two people have a warm-hearted relationship to others, they have a very friendly, or sociable relationship to other; sociability
by Johnnymyman96 January 1, 2022
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