it is always correct there is no need to argue you are wrong
toby=lord is always correct
by BIG-M chocolate milk May 8, 2022
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A person who cannot resist the temptation to constantly remind others where he or she is from.
“Oh, Jesus; I hope Andrew isn’t at the party. He’s always going on and on about how things are back where he’s from.”

“Yeah, he’s a real From Lord!”
by NightFallInc July 2, 2021
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A guy who tries to be cool, but fails miserably
Keith: Hey boi, you know that guy over there?
Damon: Yeah, why?
Keith: He is a pepe lord

Damon: So he's really cringy
by Zackery | fuccboi September 4, 2017
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Someone who excels in the art of jizzing.
Jimmy: Did you see the new Kid!
Paul: Yeah apparently he's the new spaff lord.
by heh3heh3heh3 September 4, 2019
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"Lord Mantequine Himself would rail against this injustice!"
or simply:
"Lord Mantequine Himself!"
by Barrillo McLoganfieldman April 3, 2008
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A carrot lord is a person who is genuinely nice but can be a dick at times. It takes a while to hit their soft spot
Hey bae i heard you like carrot lords
by Aryec October 29, 2020
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