Gacha spoiled brat is the atagonist of a 2018 Gacha mini movie or series called The Hated Child Becomes A Hybrid Princess. They usually have blonde hair, pink dresses and THICC LIPS. 👁👄👁
Me: Who is your least favourite character in The Hated Child Becomes A Hybrid Princess?
8 year old cousin: The gacha spoiled brat 😃
Me: I knew it..
by Alyssa?? May 19, 2021
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During the next presidential election in 2012, it will be great to purge our great country of spoiled dick vomit.
by Cooter420 September 11, 2011
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Usually a wealthy child that has no knowledge of history or of consequences. Verbally spews whatever is currently popular with no understanding of it’s meaning.
Her knowledge of Socialism comes directly from her spoiled silver spoon syndrome, she hasn’t a clue.
by Yanga August 18, 2020
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someone who is so sexy not even he can handle it.
"Hunny do i look good?"
"Baby, you are my Spoiled Prince/Princess"
by TACOESGOOD February 12, 2009
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A spoiled rich-boy prat is a guy who gets everything he wants, whose parents are wealthy, and who is arrogant, proud, and blond-haired.
My cadet roomie, Matt, thinks I'm a spoiled rich-boy prat -- dunno - maybe I am!
by USAF Cadet November 16, 2020
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the constant need to make every conversation about you, especially in serious conversations that you have no place in. symptoms include a general sense of superiority, the feeling that your problems matter more than everyone else’s, crying in order to avoid responsibility, comparing your problems to everyone else’s and projecting your narcissism on other people.
adam: yeah i don’t know it’s been really hard for me lately

me: i’m here for you man
person with spoiled white woman syndrome: oh yeah well my dad left me when i was 6, so
by e. honda’s jock strap October 17, 2022
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A new toy endorsed by Paris Hilton. Made famous by South Park; It comes with a viseo camera, night vision filter, play money, loseable cell phone, and 16 hits of extasy.
Girl 1: I'm pretending to talk on my cell phone while my boyfriend waits for more sex.

Girl 2: You're a stupid spoiled whore!

Girl 1: I love my Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset!
by gofuckurselfkthxbai February 18, 2009
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