5 definitions by Alyssa??

Aww look at you! You're someone very very very cute :)
by Alyssa?? May 19, 2021
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gacha spoiled brat

Gacha spoiled brat is the atagonist of a 2018 Gacha mini movie or series called The Hated Child Becomes A Hybrid Princess. They usually have blonde hair, pink dresses and THICC LIPS. 👁👄👁
Me: Who is your least favourite character in The Hated Child Becomes A Hybrid Princess?
8 year old cousin: The gacha spoiled brat 😃
Me: I knew it..
by Alyssa?? May 19, 2021
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Meech Da Peach

A gachatuber that simps for Draco Malfoy and has friends named Aizen, Adrian and more.
Person: oH hEy wHo iS yOuR fAv GaChAtUbEr
Little Billy: Meech Da Peach.
by Alyssa?? May 19, 2021
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omg you're dogwater

shut your mom
shut your entire mom

your entire mom is shut
omg you're dogwater
by Alyssa?? June 29, 2021
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