1. Going dumb to the extreme or going dumber than your average.
2. Song by Teamknoc
I was going fruity pebble punk rock at the function.
I don't do the thizzle dance, I go fruity pebble punk rock.
by Sean Casserly August 22, 2008
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A "stage name", if you will. The rockers usually use this so that fans everywhere will know them by something a bit more catchy than their real names.
Mike Dirnt. His real name is Mike Pritchard, but Dirnt is a name you will remember more easily. So, Dirnt is his "punk rock last name."
by :::James Bond::: September 3, 2005
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A Punk Rock Cliff Bar is a nutty, rocky, spiky, trailblazing poop that makes your anus feel like an unweaving, stealwoolish, Chinese finger trap.
Keep the essential oils, the Nivea, the kitchen sponge, and the phone with 911 ready to go in case you have a Punk Rock Cliff Bar.
by Matisse.trolldoll December 5, 2018
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a typical indie blog full of ironic photography and references to 70s musicrun by a adolescent girl who thinks she understnds what punk rock is and posts links to her blog all over 4chan.
occasionally she whines about boys in her life and posts photos of hipsters to show off her own hipsterness though we never see 'punk rock ruined me's face.
soon to be the next meme of the internet
punk rock ruined me: 'hey /b/ check out my blog punkrockruinedme.blogspot.com
/b/: fuck off newfag
by n00berz101 February 22, 2011
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a false last name of "punks". this started with johnny rotten and sid vicious of the sex pistols. young punks still use this today such as Mat Decay, Mike Virus, Tara Heroin, Shar Nightmare, Ashely Cunt and such.
check out Mat Decay and Tara Heroin they are so punk rock.
by your business April 8, 2004
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a girl similar to you, that understands you and would go to the depths of hell with you. a girl you share emotions/ feelings with and theyre youre best friend and lover.
i wish i had a punk rock bitch, maybe then i wouldnt be so depressed
by Selbstmord sie schrieb August 24, 2019
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