A long and brown delicious item that cannot be hated in any way. Potatoes can also be a form of human. Most common phrases are "Couch potato" or "Big Potato". Human-Potatoes are usually defined as lazy, sleepy, a food-lover, etc. Although the phrase "Potato" has died down recently, deep in our hearts we have some potato in us.
I want a bake potato for lunch
I am such a couch potato. I stayed up all night watching Netflix on the couch!
by Shakespeare Definitions April 16, 2020
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(Juan) Hey dude, wanna go to the skate park?

(Gareth) Nah I gonna just sit here and watch Judge Judy.

(Juan) you fucking potato!
by Big Homie 73 August 3, 2019
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What you call your friend when they are being a dumbass
Ellen: What will happen if i lick this battery
Steve: God Ellen you potato!
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A person who is socially awkward, ugly, sarcastic and has no function if they don't have the internet. And they do not have any particular skill as a human being whatsoever.
"I'm basically just a potato with a weird haircut"
by muffinpotato June 4, 2016
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A non-furry dog
by ArchieSouppppp January 26, 2021
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