st marks is full of a bunch of whores and fags, a second-class institution which tries to badmouth other schools in order to look ok itself
by suck my nuts April 14, 2005
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a school full of over obsessesive sluts who are byond full of themselves. the guys are no better . they talk shit out there ass and then they get there asses beat . the girls start drama
the school sucks . i wish i didnt go there.. i wish i wasnt associated with these losers = )
by eat me spartans March 22, 2005
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1. A high school that prides itself in producing non-kablastafucked students who frequently complete the losing cycle against their extreme godly rivals, the almighty Salesianum High School!

2. Their mascot is a joke-of-a-knight that enjoys sheethed sabers in the rectal cavity.
Wow, what do you know, St marks sucks!
by Cyber Troll September 6, 2004
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The act of performing intercourse through someone's colostomy hole.
Andrew decided to take the Delaware Dirt Path when his 80 year old domestic partner had his b-hole sown shut
by Abhi Jablome August 6, 2017
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adjective: a commonly used term, especially in the mid-atlantic region, that is snyonymous with being intoxicated. Or, more specificially, the point of intoxication in which it would be difficult to accurately draw Delaware.
by Tmoney778 October 28, 2023
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A multidisciplinary university that certainly carries a college vibe with strong ties to its Agrarian foundations (AKA DelVal). To be an Aggie, represented by Caesar the Ram, is to enjoy a small campus community within a scenic campus flanked on the South and West by farmland. You are given a lot of freedom to experience this campus as a student that can change your outlook on many things you previously thought you understood well coming out of high school. The people you meet here are genuine and come with such variety that the worst thing you can do is keep to yourself too much here. Thinking of playing a sport? The Division 3 programs here are accepting to new-comers and each team creates a strong bond between its players that will last long after graduating. As a freshman, you're likely to live in lower-end dormitories with other underclassmen, however, utilize this fact to create friendships with all the other students in the same boat as you. The school has a solid commuter base, so campus may feel smaller on weekends, but that just means there's more room for you and your posse to make campus your world! Take many opportunities to be social, such as clubs, student government, campus events, and understand the resources available here because these 4 years fly by!
Person1: "I heard Delaware Valley University is all farmers and football players! Might not be my vibe."
Person 2: "Sure there are agriculture minded students and a fair amount of athletes, but the variety of the people I am meeting here point to an environment of great opportunity because of the welcoming nature and wide variety of students that have chosen to enjoy DelVal to the fullest."
by MartyMcWiseguy March 30, 2020
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