the fear of a gay man treating you, a straight man, how you treat women
'im gay' 'thats disgusting!' 'no, your disgusted that a man could treat another man how you treat women' 'im not homophobic' 'no you do have a severe case of homophobia'
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dick like person who thinks thats a real phobia
im really a dick cause im a homophobia dick
by gaylama February 1, 2021
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When someone is scared of gay people. Or they are in the transparent closet.
No.1 person: No! I don't like gay people.
No.2 person: Oooh~ so your scared of gay people? aka homophobia
No.1 person: I- uh no?
No.2 person: Or are you in the closet still?
No.1 person: I- wait, uh?!
by Bigtitty.hentai October 7, 2021
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Someone who is scared of gay/lesbian people.
"Hey, did you see that guy yesterday?"
"Yeah, he's scared of those two people being happy."
"Then he has Homophobia."
by InJKDLHDny8 February 22, 2023
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The extreme fear of the gays.
example of homophobia:

sophie: AHHHHHHHH burn the gays!!
by yuormother July 21, 2022
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CoMe On GuYs NoBoDy Is AfRaId Of GaY pEoPlE!
Hym "Ha! Jordan... Cowardly? Did you just cry homophobia? You DID! He just cried homophobia! 'What do thay think is going to happen?' I mean, it's not a thought it's a statistical reality. They aren't going to be attracted to them because women aren't attracted to 90% of the men. And the framing of it is what's dishonest about it (See Bertrand Russel's criticism of Socrates) and it ties back into my definition of 'The Good One' frame (Did I do that one?). 'Can't see another explanation' Ok.... In the context of the social contract (of which you are an ideologue), what are the roles? Men bare the burden of responsibility for the broader society and for womens safety, security, AND (in your own words as 'women only (not only. I know you didn't say only and I know you're seeing the word ONLY with your bitch eyes and thinking 'well I didn't say ONLY so that's not what I said') commit crimes when they are manipulated by psychopathic men) wrongdoing and what is woman's responsibility? Get fucked? I was going to be generous but nah... What boundaries should women have on their behavior? None? Men have plenty of boundries imposed on them. There would be MORE boundries if the feminists had their way. How about wear a hat? No? That's too much? Ok. How about being held to the same standards? No? Still too much? I mean, it must be. I'm still not getting any offers to come fuck a legally incompetent assbuger in a group home. I mean, it sounds like Iran is the exact opposite of here."
by Hym Iam January 23, 2023
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Real Homophobia is condition in which people are afraid of homosexuals.
I have homophobia
by JBManofGod December 26, 2019
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