1. A fierce handshake given to you by someone with a pink feather boa.

2. A non-existent species of Flamingos.
1. My friend Marty gave me a Fabulous Dancing Flamingo while we were at a party.
by Kanye Kardashian October 17, 2018
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1. wonderful
2. the feeling of exceeding joy
3. the enjoying ones self while away from family functions
The day I had today can only be dexcribed as thanksgiving fabulous.
by zestybear October 20, 2004
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the phrase that harry styles once said. it means you don't feel fabulous. that's all.
harry styles: i'm not feeling fAbUlOuS!✨
by ecetomlinson April 19, 2021
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sexy refering to the female body in some way shape or form that makes a guy really horny.
Oh, my god, she is GHETTO-FABULOUS. If she dont come over tonight i will screw sum-1 up.
by Big Rich Mullis May 26, 2003
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A meal that includes more than your *mAgIc* number of daily carbs.

most often found in potatoes
by Katie Fili June 22, 2004
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A way to snap the fingers where, at the beginning of the snap, your hand is directly in front of you and, by the end of the snap, your hand has been swung (or 'waved') toward the outside. (For example, the right hand is swung toward the right). The swing and snap are simultaneous.

Sometimes (usually?) done the the other hand placed on the hip. This snap is done particularly well by gay people. Thus the name. NOTE: not usually a snap used to accompany music but rather, to emphasize a point.
"Girl! Just LOOK at this apartment! You couldn't even clean it was a tactical nuclear weapon! You're gonna need a genie to just (fabulous faggot backhand-snap, here) snap his fingers, to clean this mess!"
by wordbird June 29, 2006
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