the feeling when you feel like you have nothing left. everything is dying, falling apart, and you can do fucking nothing with it. the void. the rage. the dread when you know nothing can be fixed.
also, a funky lyric from a mother mother song. i love the song, its relatable
theres a god-awful shitty feeling of dread in my heart

yeah its got allota do-
by hahafunkyrangerkinnie August 24, 2021
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Oral inhalation with action akin to a mosquito bite, optionally with tongue, of a dreadlock by a fascinated and/or jealous caucasian.
Some dread skeeter skank-handled my sister-in-law's hair like a popsicle, she was pretty skeeved out by it.
by Chickaboomking December 26, 2009
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When the ends of dreads splash all over your face like little water droplets. It generally occurs when walking behind, or standing behind, a wook at a concert who is getting down and moving their dreads around like it's nobody's business.
As I was walking to the bathroom at the concert, I grazed by a wook, who in mid-dance, gave me the biggest dread-splashing I've ever experience.
by CO_Eric November 1, 2007
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Man that is built like the slender man, to a man with absurdly small balls. An omega dread has been found to be existing in a forest full of twisted tea. Many mistake him for the slender man or big foot depending on if he shaves.
An omega dread is a specific species. There is only one which is very peculiar and has many scientists all over the world scratching their heads.
by DarkP665 June 24, 2022
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a situation that down right blows ass; but not intentionally
Heather: I swatted a spider and it landed on my baby's face.

Kayla: Oh, My God - that's accidentally dreadful!
by smorava June 6, 2006
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That occurence when you go to a supermarket and tons of people of elephantine proportions are riding on motor scooters
Guy who lifts: Oh no bro, its a dread armada
by The mike gamez August 11, 2017
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to remember a dream you had and question how your subconscious got there. usually accompanied by either disgust, shock or disbelief.
"did i talk in my sleep?"
"Yeah you mumbled some about Mrs Gilley being superhot and nice. Mrs Gilley is the least popular teacher. Then you asked your mom if you can go to prom with her"
"Fuck. I had one of those dreaded dreams."
by Krkič August 12, 2019
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