In short, a scrotum. Most often used when you ask someone for anything sexual from their part. Often used as a pickup line.
"Hey bitch, this club blows, want to come hangout at the downtown skin lounge?"
"Man, I still can't walk properly after the doctor was probing about my downtown skin lounge"
by sensate November 6, 2005
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Apparently, a popular euphemism (at least in the UK) for vagina after being revealed as the third most popular entry in an ad campaign for Mooncup.
by EI8HTY6IX May 3, 2010
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To insert one's hand into the rectum of another and proceed in speaking in sign language.
I was boning this chick, and i decided to give her a Helen Keller Downtown Bonanza
by Dave Berkowsky October 1, 2007
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Refers to the unfortunate and unintended disposal of chewing gum in the pubic hair or pubic region of the recipient of oral sex by the performer who fails to keep his/her gum securely placed in an unused part of the mouth.
911 Operator: "911. What is your emergency?"

Teenage Caller: "OMG my boyfriend left his gum downtown and now it's all tangled in my pubes and my shit is glued shut. Amateur. How do I get it out???"

911 Operator: "Leaving your gum downtown is not a 911 emergency. Please hang up and try peanut butter."
by cayrez November 1, 2009
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a place not to fuck wit. central used to be deep now its ddp n ddc. a place where ull get clapped up if u walkin round at 2 am lik an idiot nigga frum ridgefield
yo im bout to go get a butter roll n juice in downtown union city
by reppindt October 23, 2008
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North Central, Downtown Charleston is a neighborhood of artist, writers, and musicians adjacent to the equally hip neighborhoods of Wagener Terrace and Hampton Park. Creatives and trendsetters fill the fashionable cafe’s and pubs within the environs of Upper King, Morrison Drive, and Rutledge Ave, while an eclectic dining scene features everything from speakeasy styled restaurants, breweries and dive bars to artisan coffee houses and gastropubs. Art supply stores and galleries mix with shops selling authentic french pastries in sidewalk al fresco settings. The landscape is defined by early 20th century bungalows and vernacular architecture. Here too is the site of the famed Palace Auditorium where Elvis Presley and The Allman Brothers Band once performed. This area first settled by French Huguenots who escaped religious persecution is the terminus of the future "Low Line" greenway. The familial and ethnic diversity of this section makes it a desirable home for all walks of life. Forever singles, young marrieds, progressive middle agers and retired long time residents share this inclusive enclave. Also, Bill Murray owns several bars in the area...which is nice.
Girl: So Saturday is my bachelorette party, should we come to North Central, Downtown Charleston after the ceremony at my Mega Church?

Guy: Heres what you do....first keep your sorostitutes away from Upper King, then you and your husband settle down on Daniel Island (or Mt. Pleasant)......byeeeeeeeee.
by freespirit200 September 29, 2021
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during oral sex, the act of a woman putting her lips on her partners testicles and motor-boating them. (gently smacking her forehead with your penis is optional)
1st guy: damn, that Aubrey chick gave me another downtown blow-down last night.

2nd guy: wow, it sound like she's in the fuckin' zone lately.
by martygarderssssss November 10, 2009
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