When you ram your dick do hard into someone's mouth that you knock out several teeth.
She likes it rough, so I gave her the old Crosby Cornhole.
by Kernel mustar April 24, 2013
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When someone is being an asshole worthy of the ranking colonel.
Person 1: "I Took a shit on you bed and smeared it in for no reason."
Person 2: "Ok colonel cornhole, who gave you the orders to make that decsion."
by Lil Buddha August 6, 2013
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-To insert a shotgun in one's anus
Did you hear about Billy? They gave him a Cobain Cornhole....
by namtaoG July 24, 2016
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The mack daddy of beer pong/ruler of the party who constantly hits the cornhole (last cup)
"My man here just put another team out of their misery in BP. He is for sure the cornhole king."
by cornholeking September 22, 2009
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A phrase describing one who has been gangraped by Mexican gang members in prison. Another word for being black beaned and getting your beans refried.
Person 1: Hey did you hear about Jared Fogle?
Person 2: Yeah he's probably getting cornholed in prison right now.
by Flobbie Randers May 5, 2017
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When having gay sex and you roll your partner over, jump off of a high surface, and penetrate his anus. After you are firmly planted into your partner, you twist around and shit down his back.
Jonny: My dad and I did The German Cornhole last week. Im still trying to get ahold of some anal bleach. And I STILL need to scrub the shit off of my back.
by sodacanplus April 26, 2014
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