To play cards. The card game can be of any type.
(Ice Cube in "Menace II Society")
"Fuck dat, let's bust some spags."

A Bomb: "What you niggas up to?"
D Man: "Bustin' Spags."
by K Flo April 1, 2006
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refering to one's own ability to kick some major woop-tooshy!
Yeah, so me and my home-dogs be bustin' some TAIL-skins after work up by Grace's general store.
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A phrase used to describe when someone is about to, or is in the process of verbally degrading someone. A term to describe what someone is doing when they are clowning.

"Oh you got jokes, You don't want me to start bustin' out the clown shoes.

"Damn, he busted out the clown shoes on that foo."
by Jenuine McCoy April 26, 2008
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A warning, or threatening request, spoken by a person in order to prevent another person trespassing on their 'territory' or 'hood'
stranger: "who's got bud round here?"
"local": "oi cunt, quit bustin' ya hole round these ways"
stranger: "you did NOT just say that cunt, imma get you"

by amanda1223 January 7, 2008
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The type of blowjob that diagnoses you with Post Nut Propofol/Post Nut Paralysis for 10 or more minutes. Typically completed with an empty urethra as she completes it by using your dick like a straw. You will probably need to put your penis in a wheelchair afterwards, if and when you can move again. Contraceptives probably won’t be needed for the next 6 months as your sperm count will drop to -5,000. That’s right. Negative. Your nuts will owe themselves 5,000 new sperm cells.
How was it with the wife last night?
“Broooo I swear to fuck she gave me a full on Super Ultra Golden Nut Bustin Mega Ultra Gawk Gawk Gawk 5000XL+“
Daammmmn how are you able to walk right now???
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 December 19, 2021
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