Being honest because people would find out who you are if you weren't honest isn't really the same thing as being honest or direct when you have every option or oppurtunity not to be.
Turning in a bunch of money when you could keep it doesn't make somebody an honest person, since it's one action. A cop who turns in a million dollars has bought his right to do anything corrupt he wants to do by making himself look like he is honest all the time (which is what honesty really is, honesty at all times, when nobody cares or pays attention). The truth is, nobody is honest one hundred percent of the time, it's really a matter of what degree of honesty somebody usually gives you when they have the option to be dishonest or many other things that lets you know what degree of trustworthy kind of person they are.
by Solid Mantis March 14, 2021
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Situational awareness of the fear of the karmicly fated meeting with a real Native American person, so honest in his or her reality that it sheds a moment of clarity upon the non Native American citizen.
“The injuns shot you with a bow and arrow’s? 🏹 -Help it’s the honest injun’s, Circle the wagons!”
by DeePurple. August 22, 2021
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Slang term for the word kid.
Prounounced "Kade"
Originated from the drink Honest Kids
Guy 1- Look at that kid over there
Guy 2- Oh he's an honest Kaiyd
by Seerboi December 3, 2010
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Being honest and a dick at the same time.
Brison: Yo have you heard of Flatbush!?
Tyrrell: Yes, Brison I think everyone has.
Brison: I didn’t ask for your attitude, I asked a question..
Dylan: It’s called Honestivity Brison
by dyldogsixnine March 29, 2018
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A bottled organic tea company based in Bethesda, Maryland. It was founded in 1998 by Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company. The name is a pun on the word "honesty".
Honest Tea is the best
by SPrice1980 May 28, 2022
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