Hun is a fully loaded sectarian, bigoted term used by Roman Catholic Septic fan's. Everything from the colour of buses to the personal lives of football referees are "Huns" unless proven there nonce protectors. Hun is a Roman Catholics sectarian term for a Protestant/Presbyterian. They are smelly papish trampy bastards. GSTK.
Hun, Scotland is a sectarian term
by neillybaldy July 18, 2023
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When someone is unexpectedly really dry after periods of being radio silent; Abruptly stopping texting, calling, or any communication, sometimes in a cryptic way.
A: Ugh, she was supposed to get back from her trip a few days ago and I haven’t heard from her!
B: Has she become a corpse stuck in Scotland?
A: Yeah what the hell, it’s just like she up and died or something
by Starboy02 July 4, 2023
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DONT WATCH IT. IT IS 112 dB (good thing I had my headphones)
SCOTLAND FOREVER 1000x volume is the loudest thing ever.
by idkwhatnametoputhere July 15, 2023
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You: shall we visit Scotland?
Me: why on earth would we do that? It’s a stink hole full of cunts
by TCTopcat May 5, 2021
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Scotland is a constituent (not independent) country that is a part of the UK (United Kingdom) Which is an independent country.

Scotland used to be an independent nation known as The Kingdom of Scotland, until 1707 when the Royal family of England merged with the Royal family of Scotland, forming the United Kingdom. The UK only used to be made up of England and Scotland.

The capital of Scotland is commonly mistaken, many people think it is Glasgow, but it is actually Edinburgh (pronounced Ed-in-burr-uh, not Ed-ing-burg).

It is home to the largest mountain In the UK and all of the British Isles, Ben Nevis (1,345 m tall)
Friend: I'm visiting Scotland Tomorrow.
American Citizen: isn't that part of England?
Friend: No you stupid Troglodyte, Scotland is part of the UK, England is a separate thing.
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Shite whole but gd gaffs England ain’t got shit on us
England- we have such good parties

Scotland- chose one yer jaw spinin or yer heed
by Follow my tiktok Yer__maw March 2, 2020
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