sex position / a position in which one partner is shaken up and becomes dizzy and rolled out into a pancake position and go monkey bananas on them
me and emma tried the shake rattle and roll last night and it was AWESOME!!!
by cnsjsbneenwnw April 8, 2023
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1.To go take a huge shit.
2.To fart powerfully
3. A threat to violate your booty cheeks
1. Sorry, fellas, I gotta rattle my mudflaps somethin’ fierce. It’s gonna stank.
2. I heard that from across the house! Did you just rattle your mudflaps?

3. Now listen here, I’ll rattle your mudflaps like you’ve never had it before just to show you who’s boss.
by ThunderBoss October 1, 2023
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The clenched-teeth orgasmic sigh you make upon ejaculation with a partner below your usual standards.
Pulled a right munter last night, gave me a proper spunk rattle!
by Yeoballs July 5, 2022
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Fancy a fuck?
I've only got time for a rapid rattle
by Nymph2 April 27, 2016
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Cigarette packets covered in rattles to shake some sense into smokers
Someone: “Hey bro i just saw your mom smoking ew”

Someone else: “dw bro i put cover rattles on it so she can quit”

Someone: “nice bro
by ezhasbigbalz July 10, 2021
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