A quote to be used when really confused. Just like a chameleon would be confused on what color to change into if it got stuck inside a Skittles bag, you are also confused as hell. You're a loser if you say something as simple as "I'm confused"
Sarah: 2 + 2 = 5

Alexis: I'm as confused as a chameleon stuck inside a Skittles bag
by Spencerrrrrrrrr008 February 18, 2022
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continued from GuitardHero88
Only enjoy doing 45-50% of what they enjoy, or they might pick up on it really quick.

Never look off or act goofy, because you might get caught in a "I Bet You Can't Bang That Chick" look, and it's over right there.

Always go back to her place, because a chameleon always has a the room of a white rich child with too much clothing on the floor or they live with ma in the office on an air mattress.

Once at her place make sure not to come on too strong until after about 30 minutes in, because back at the house she can drill you even more...It's happened to me so I know.

Once everything is set and you think the timing is right start putting slow moves on her...
Eventually...it will be almost impossible for her to resist.

Then exit strategy...pretty simple....The Quagmire

by Audi0sl4v3 April 10, 2010
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ceilings tiles that are lights that change with the beat. they make animated gif disco parties happen. they are tight as hell.
"nobody even knows I have a chameleon ceiling cause I keep it set to dull black."
by ceilingsbro1 March 5, 2014
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Someone who can change the colors of their aura.
Aura chameleon girl- Look at my aura, it's changing colors!
Other guy- That's just you trying to change your frequency and be somebody else again, that's all it is.
by Solid Mantis February 19, 2021
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A man who starts dating a woman and instantly adopts all her favorite activities and interests with much enthusiasm, despite previously having zero interest in those activities. See also penis chameleon.
That vagina chameleon had no interest in rave music before he started dating that raver. Now all his clothes look like he belongs in a circus.
by KrankyKanuck July 7, 2018
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A guy that can sway and charm and blend in in any situation any enviroment and any women that he pleases...
Bill; so how was LA?
Jake; man i was like a schawrma chamelon all up on that bitch...
by Jake_69ld March 18, 2005
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