Stabbing your sexual partner in the crotch with a spoon.
“Me and Rebecca were spooning all night that it actually bent
by CluelessFurry69 May 2, 2018
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The act slapping a Greek girl's breasts with a spoon while having sex with her in a kitchen.
Did you hear? Dambini has been spooning her last night.

Oh Dambini, spoon me!
by Dambana June 13, 2011
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A sexual encounter that consists of either vaginal intercourse, oral intercourse, or anal intercourse.
I got a spoonful last night.
Hey, did she give you a spoonful?
by Jonny O May 3, 2006
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Hard dick pressed against a females ass, titty on one hand, other hand fingering pussy while in the act of kissing her neck.
1.Hey bro so did your girlfriend go over last night?

2. Yeah, we were spooning on my couch the entire night, it was amazing!
by wolfhaley666 January 15, 2014
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Spoons is a game where you and a couple of friends stop into a local fast food restaurant and grab a fist full of plastic spoons, then drive into the red light district.
Once your there, you throw the spoons at hookers from your car, and if you miss you have to get out of the car and pick it up.
Who ever is least beat up at the end of the game wins!
Billy asked john if he wanted to play a game of spoons.
John stared blankly at Billy, slightly dueling from the side of his mouth.
John hasn't been the same since the hooker punched him in the side of the head.
by KING BEAN August 18, 2005
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the act of a man or woman lying behind a man or woman so they fit together like spoons
yeah me and joey were spooning all night.
by heheheheheheheeeeehheh January 20, 2009
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where the guy lays in front of the girl and ignores the girl because she's too hot and uncomfortable to lay with
im done, let's just keep spooning now ie. i go to sleep and you happen to be sleeping behind me
by bojodojo June 12, 2011
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