1. bad ice tea ad campaign
2. falling backwards into a pool
3. giving a woman a facial full of semen
I had planned on giving her a pearl necklace but ended up giving her a facefull of nestee plunge.
by Bud E Love May 13, 2003
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First, you have to wait until this person has to take a massive shit, then you put your lips gently on the anus of a male or female and start out slowly sucking and after ten seconds, piss in the anus of that person. Then put your lips back on that person and suck fastly until the person pushes the piss and shit all over your face.
Boy: I just gave my girlfiend an Indiana Ass Plunge!

Friend: Gay.

Boy: No it wasn't, she seemed to like it!

Friend: Probably because you were her first.

Boy: Yeah, you're right...
by Ass Snatch November 10, 2012
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Gambling every last nickel, til there's none left
Fat Rich is sick -- he went to the track and plunged-his-brains-out. I had to lend him bus fare home, then he was back the next day. He found another thousand somewhere, maybe under the mattress.
by Golf maven May 29, 2005
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In the act of wiping one's bottom, when the toilet paper tears and, inadvertently, a finger plunges into the butt hole. (Occurs especially when using cheap toilet paper or when wiping too hard). Can result in a stinky fingernail.
Guy in toilet: Oh, dude, gross!
Guy outside: What happened?
Guy in toilet: I was wiping and I accidentally did the one-fingered butt plunge.
by LongWayfromHome September 7, 2010
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When you dip someone’s toothbrush into toilet water in an act of vengeance.
After she offered to suck my husband’s dick, I took her toothbrush for a payback plunge.
by SweetPotatoes131 November 10, 2017
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When a female puts a bunch of peanut butter in there mouth and a male proceeds to orally fuck her mouth as hard as he can
(M) Hey babe do you wanna do another peanut butter plunge

(F) no my mouth is still sore for the last time
by PBPgod69420 July 5, 2023
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Term used to reference, in vague manner, a sex act that would be better left to the imagination. Used in similar fashion as yada yada yada, or another sex act, the “Z.J.”
Person 1: “I went to Steve and Leslie’s house and accidentally walked in on them taking a plunge...”
Person 2: “what even is that?”
Person 1: “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it
by fuckpilot July 8, 2018
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